Need help selecting the right ultrasonic processor for your business?
Industrial Sonomechanics offers high-amplitude laboratory, bench and industrial-scale ultrasonic liquid processors for a wide range of applications, including the production of nanoemulsions, nanocrystals and liposomes, cell disruption, aqueous and solvent-based extraction, liquid degassing, nanoparticle deagglomeration, sonochemistry, and many more.
The processors are based on our patented Barbell Horn® Ultrasonic Technology (BHUT), which is directly scalable and makes it possible to seamlessly transfer any challenging process from a laboratory to a production environment, where productivity rates can be increased by orders of magnitude while reproducible results and the highest finished product quality are easily maintained.
This Ultrasonic Processors Comparison chart provides a side-by-side view of each processor's specifications and can help you select the right unit for your application and scale of operation.